Central Texas Food Bank
Families come together over the holiday, which means their food needs increase. Food pantries and service agencies play a vital role is providing these families the food they need to fill the gaps, and Central Texas Food Bank serves 300 of them throughout 21-counties.
In the weeks before Thanksgiving, volunteer to sort food donations at the Food Bank to prepare for distribution through its partner agencies across Central Texas. Warehouse volunteers help ensure all of the food we distribute is safe, healthy and high quality by inspecting, cleaning, sorting, boxing and making food donations ready for distribution.
Volunteer shifts are typically 2 ½ to three hours long and are available Monday through Saturday. Each shift can host up to 120 volunteers, with limited space for youth volunteers, ages 8 years old and older.
VOLUNTEER: Sign up and view available shifts at CTFB’s sign-up page.
Feast of Sharing, taking place at the Palmer Events Center, is the largest community Thanksgiving meal in Austin. H-E-B provides 14,000 meals to hungry Austinites with the help of 1,400 volunteers who plate and serve food, do crafts with children in attendance, and many other tasks. All volunteers should expect to be up and moving around for their whole shift, and many jobs require carrying trays of food or drinks.
Volunteers must be 14 years old or older. Some tasks require a minimum age of 18. People can volunteer either 3-6:30pm or 6-9pm.
VOLUNTEER: The registration form along with all the information about parking, minimum ages, and volunteer roles is available online here.
Bring Holiday Cheer to a Family in Need!
with Foundation Communities
Help Foundation Communities bring a little holiday cheer to their low-income residents who won’t be able to fulfill their families’ wish lists on their own. With your help, we can make this our best holiday assistance program yet. Full program details can be found at http://foundcom.org/about/holiday-assistance-program/
Turkey Trot Volunteer
with Caritas of Austin
Please join us in supporting Caritas of Austin by volunteering for the 28th annual ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot. There are lots of opportunities available.
Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090545a8ac23aaf58-first1
- All volunteers will receive a volunteer shirt and a snack or meal depending on your shift time and length.
- There are lots of opportunities available great for individuals and groups from the 18 th-22 nd of November
- If you have questions or want to reserve slots for your group, please reach out to me at mortiz@caritasofaustin.org
Food Recovery
Each Saturday we gather in the kitchen of a church on the Drag to process about 150 pounds of food donated by Wheatsville Co-op from their composting program. It’s a fun time filled with chopping, chatting and listening to music, all the while providing some of the healthiest and freshest food our clients will eat all week! We need about 6 people to help unload the truck, sort the produce, chop fruits and veggies, cook simple preparations (soups, casseroles, salads), package the finished food and load it into our refrigerators/ freezer, and help with cleanup. Clients eat this food throughout the week. This is a fun and relaxing time! This is a great small group activity, too!