Democrat Tonya Nixon has won the Travis County Constable Precinct 1 primary race, earning about 61% of votes cast in the election. With no republican candidates filing for the race, Nixon will take the position after an uncontested November election.
In Constable Precinct 2, incumbent Adan Ballesteros will hold onto the position after receiving 68% of votes in the two-person democratic race. No republican candidates filed for the position
She is currently the Sergeant at the Travis County Constable Precinct One office. In addition to attending Austin Community College, Colorado Tech, and Virginia College, she has received extensive training and currently holds her Advanced Peace Officer Proficiency Certificate and Civil Process Proficiency Certification. Tonya is a member of the JPCA (Justices of Peace and Constables Association) and was appointed to serve on the Civil Process Education Committee for the Texas Justice Court Training Center (TJCTC). She also serves on the Eastern Travis County Colony Park Advisory Committee and is a member of the National Council of Negro Women.
Source: Message from Tonya Nixon on Facebook
” Travis County, especially my Precinct One community. WE did it!! Tuesday night we finished the fight with 14,933(61%) of the votes while making history in Travis County! I am the FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN FEMALE to run and win the seat of Constable in Travis County.
I want to say thank you for your support as I continue my duties as Sergeant and prepare to take the seat as Constable at Precinct One.
Thank you to my family for your support and patience during this journey. Thank you to everyone that prayed for me, mentored me, canvassed, called, texted, put up signs, gave financially, and contributed in any fashion to this campaign. Thank you to the individuals, the democratic clubs, the Austin Chronicle, and all my endorsers. To the Y-Strategy team, you all totally rock and did an absolute FABULOUS job and I thank you, thank you, and thank you!!
I’m ready to continue to serve in a higher capacity with my Precinct One family as we work to continue to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline, increase community involvement while educating the community about the Constable’s office, and build strong systems within.
Thank you all again and have a great day and # drinkwater” Tonya Nixon
Incumbent Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez will face republican challenger Raul Vargas in November, after receiving 77% of votes cast in the democratic primary.
According to final results from Travis County, Hernandez received 145,825 votes out of 188,776 total placed. Liz Donegan received 28,285, or 15% of votes, while John Loughran received 14,666 votes, or 8%.