Summertime can be tough for some families when kids don’t have access to a school cafeteria. That’s why the Austin Independent School District is sponsoring the Summer Food Program providing children with free, nutritious meals during the summer break from school.
Selected cafeterias will be open for free breakfast and lunch for kids ages 18 and under this summer. Some schools start May 29, others start June 3 or June 8. All schools will be closed July 1-5. You do not have to qualify for free lunch to eat a free meal. All you have to do is show up.
You can find the list at www.summerfood.org, or call 2-1-1 or text FOODTX to 877-877. The summerfood.org site allows you to put in your ZIP code, which is great, if you’re not in Austin.
For Austin school district schools, head to its summer meal sites for dates and times.
Here are the schools participating:
Akins High School
Alternative Learning Center
Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders
Bedichek Middle School
Blanton Elementary
Blazier Elementary
Brooke Elementary
Burnet Middle School
Cook Elementary
Cunningham Elementary
Dawson Elementary
Dobie Middle School
Eastside Memorial Early College High School
Fulmore Middle School
Galindo Elementary
Govalle Elementary
Graham Elementary
Guerrero-Thompson Elementary
Gus Garcia Young Men’s Leadership Academy
Harris Elementary
Hart Elementary
Houston Elementary
Joslin Elementary
LASA High School
Langford Elementary
Lanier High School
Linder Elementary
McBee Elementary
Mendez Middle School
Norman & Sims Elementary
Oak Springs Elementary
Ortega Elementary
Overton Elementary
Palm Elementary
Paredes Middle School
Pecan Springs Elementary
Perez Elementary School
Pickle Elementary
Reagan Early College High School
Rodriguez Elementary
Rosedale School
Sadler Means Young Women’s Leadership Academy
St. Elmo Elementary
T.A. Brown & Barrington Elementary
Travis Early College High School
Travis Heights Elementary
Uphaus Early Childhood Center
Walnut Creek Elementary
Webb Middle School
Williams Elementary
Wooldridge Elementary
Wooten Elementary
Zavala Elementary