More than 150 Central Texas residents will be able to receive much needed job training thanks to a grant from the Texas Workforce Commission.
The Texas Workforce Commission awarded the Austin Area Urban League a $243,516 Self Sufficiency Fund training grant to help 150 individuals transition into the workforce. The grant will help provide job training skills for occupations such as certified nurse’s assistant, phlebotomist, supply chain management and computer user support specialist. Grant funding from the Self Sufficiency Fund will assist in developing the technical education and learning environment that will lead to industry recognized certificates and credentials.

“Access to quality educations empowers at-risk Texans by enhancing their potential earnings,” said TWC Commissioner Representing the Public Robert Thomas. “These funds will not only equip students with the skills necessary to earn competitive, high-paying jobs in the health care and supply chain management industries but arm the Austin community with the tools needed for prosperity.”
The Self Sufficiency Fund provides funding to eligible training providers including nonprofit 501(c)(3) community-based organizations, Texas public community or technical colleges or the Texas Engineering Extension Service. The Self Sufficiency Fund pays for curriculum development, instructor fees and certifications, training materials, certain work-related expenses for trainees and some training equipment for targeted industry clusters. In fiscal year 2018, the Self Sufficiency Fund grant program awarded over $1.9 million dollars to train 919 Texans.
A team of experts from TWC’s Office of Employer Initiatives provides technical assistance at no charge to help streamline Self Sufficiency Fund project development. The Outreach and Project Development Consultants work directly with grant applicants and training providers, Workforce Development Boards and economic development partners throughout the development of the project to ensure that participants receive specific, customized training that is required for occupations. For more information, contact the Outreach and Project Development Consultants at 877-463-1777, customizedtraining.solutions@twc.state.tx.us or locate resources on the TWC’s Self Sufficiency Fund webpage.
To find out more about the Austin Area Urban League go to www.aaul.org